Sunday, February 05, 2012

From Werewolves to Aliens...

The oddest thing happened to me yesterday. I saw my first alien. And I don't mean someone with questionable immigrant status. And I don't mean to be derogatory - just describing what I saw. I was walking into Publix to do my usual Saturday morning shopping, and this very odd woman walked by me on the sidewalk. At least, I'm pretty sure the individual was female.

She(?) was very short, shorter than your average human. That's even taking into consideration her slightly hunched posture. She looked at me and smiled, but it wasn't like any human smile I'd ever seen before. It was more of a grimace than anything. And every single one of her teeth were pointed. Yup. Sharp. Hair? Didn't see any, but she had a bandana on her head. It wasn't smooth, though.

Now, I know what you're thinking...maybe she had curlers under there, like our grandmothers used to. The shapes weren't predictable or symmetrical, or anything recognizable. It was just...weird. And bumpy.

I guess this is why people-watching is good. You never know what you'll see. And maybe it will be something that can be used later. (And I have to wonder - if she was an alien, what would she be getting at the grocery store? She didn't have anything in her hands. Maybe because nothing there satisfied her requirements? Hmm...taking a detour into Storyland again...)

I haven't caught up yet, but I'm still working on it. I have a plan for a quicker catch-up. I won't jinx it by talking about it, but I'll let you know next time if it works.

Happy and productive writing, everyone!


Jennette Marie Powell said...

Wow, that's wild! Sounds like something I see in the emails people send me with photos from According to folklore, there are supposed to be aliens locked up where I work, but I've never seen any. :) Have a great week!

Lara said...

Jeanette, you must work in a very interesting place! You have a great week, too.

Jenny Hansen said...

Looking forward to seeing your ROW progress, Lara. Cute story!

Brittney Van Sandt said...

That's intense! The crazy things that happen eh? Glad you made it through unscathed! Look forward to seeing your Row update!

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the story. Why doesn't my Publix have aliens? Think it's first time I've put the question out there.