Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Revised Goals and Serial Killers

Reality has finally hit me on the head. And it hurt. I'm not certain when this first round ends (I am sure it will be much too soon for me), but I have to face the fact that I probably won't be able to catch up. Hence, the revised goals.

Okay. Here goes. I'm going to forget about trying to catch up. I'm just going to go on from here, but I'll still stick to my two pages per day.

I'm considering another project, one that might help my productivity in a sideways sort of way. I'll be on spring break next week, so I'm considered converting my dining room into an exercise room for my treadmill, free weights, and yoga stuff. That way, if I don't have my butt in the chair working on my WIP, I will have to be on the treadmill working in another way.

I wonder how much my complete dislike for the treadmill will motivate my writing?

I'm having a lot of fun with my serial killer werewolf. I made some changes today, and I'm really excited to get home to get more on the page.

See you all Sunday for another update!


Anonymous said...

FYI: There are three weeks left. (I looked it up.) This round ends on March 21, the Spring Equinox.

This is good:

O"kay. Here goes. I'm going to forget about trying to catch up. I'm just going to go on from here, but I'll still stick to my two pages per day."

I'm doomed if I try to catch up. "Going on from here" is a MUCH better idea!

USNessie said...

FYI: There are three weeks left. (I looked it up.) This round ends on March 21, the Spring Equinox.

This is good:

O"kay. Here goes. I'm going to forget about trying to catch up. I'm just going to go on from here, but I'll still stick to my two pages per day."

I'm doomed if I try to catch up. "Going on from here" is a MUCH better idea!