Let me clarify the heading: It's late for posting, but it's morning. Monday morning. I'm about 24 hours behind where I should be. It's my own fault - I took a day yesterday to mentally drift. Sort of like a jellyfish.
But I don't have much to report, unfortunately. Not much writing's been done.
Our new semester started, and I've got 8 classes - more than I've ever had, and I'm still settling into my rhythm. Hopefully, I'll make it up this week.
My plans are to really get into some in-depth characterization using Story Engineering as my guide still. I also have a plan for a specific scene that I might actually have a chance to write this afternoon. I'm going to give it a shot. I'll have the opportunity, because I don't have to actually teach today; I'm watching over a lab of students who are independent learners.
I've got the opportunity for fingers on the keyboard practically all day! Go me!
See everyone Wednesday, when I'll try to be on time with some good news for progress.
Eight classes! Yikes!
I'm impressed that you managed to post, let alone think or write.
As you are teaching eight classes, I echo Camille's comments. You have quite a semester on your hands.
I really enjoyed Larry Brooks' Story Engineering; currently, I'm using it to help me revise a novel. I'm sure you know that he has a really great blog, storyfix.com.
I often post a day late in ROW 80 so I know how you feel but I don't teach a classes so now I'd better post on time. You've provided me some inspiration!
Thanks, Daring. That's really sweet.
Karen, I love storyfix.com. I have it set on my igoogle page.
I've done really well since I posted on Sunday. Lots of backstory, including some jewelry from Tiffany in NY. There was an insert in the NY times yesterday about their anniversary, and there were some examples. Well, a diamond necklace with stars and moons made it around the neck of my opera singer solitary witch.
Off to write some more!
Talk to you Wednesday...
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