Sunday, March 24, 2013

I Beat the Spider!

I've been away for a while, both from my writing and from my computer. This week my eye is finally back to normal, so I've been able to get back to the keyboard.

Unfortunately, I didn't finish my goal - I wanted to have this entire book plotted out so I could find the problems, fix them in outline form, and then continue to write.

Didn't happen.

But, I'm not deterred. I've transferred my Scrivener program and files onto a portable terrabyte drive. It comes with me everywhere, so I can write as often as possible. Beginning tomorrow, it's going to work with me. I often have time between students when I can do my own thing, so every spare minute will be dedicated to this project.

I will accomplish this!

Happy creating!


Jennette Marie Powell said...

Health issues slowed me down this round too. Glad to see you back! Sounds like you have a good plan too - good luck with it!

Lara said...

Thanks, Jeannette! Glad you're feeling better, too.

I'm firmly convinced that spiders are part of a plot hatched by evil space aliens who are planning an imminent invasion.

You can tell it's Monday and I haven't had coffee, right?